
Welcome to the Mission Academy Facilitators page.
This page will provide access to Mission Academy materials, including the Facilitators’ handbook, all associated worksheets, tools and TED-style talks. As you use other tools and resources that fit the areas: ‘What is, What Could be’ and ‘What will be’, please be in touch and we can add them here and share them with other Mission Academies. Thank you for joining us in this wild adventure, we will see God do amazing things.

Youth Evangelism Fund (YEF)
Funding for Mission Academies Pilot’s (MAP’s):>

Alongside The MAP’s, the YEF an initiative of the Archbishops’ Council of the Church of England, is piloting YEF2 with the remains of the money from the original YEF. The fund will be available to all those young people who are part of The MAP’s with the long term aim of growing a new ecumenical youth fund for all the Mission Academies developed for 2014. To access further information and all the necessary documentation [click here]

Mission Academy Tools:>

Please find below a number of tools and worksheets that could be used in the Mission Academy process, and are detailed fully in, and compliment, the Curriculum

Mission Academy Facilitators Handbook

19th December 2012The Facilitators’ handbook enables you to take young people through a process of evaluating ‘What is’, dreaming of ‘What could be’ and planning ‘What will be’, using a selection of approaches. It outlines the ‘Why, how, who and what’ of Mission Academies, providing a detailed overview of possible sessions, and aims and objectives of each […]

Vision Statement worksheet

19th December 2012A worksheet to capture a vision statement of no more than a couple of sentences which highlights an achievable and measurable hope for your community, town or city.

SMART and Timeline

19th December 2012These are tool to help create an effective action plan, encompassing the need to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound.

Sphere of influence:

19th December 2012A tool to help analyse opportunities available to a person or group. Young people can understand their influence, not just on their immediate friends, but their potential to influence their college, their community and the wider world.

SWOT analysis

19th December 2012This is a tool to help assess the Strengths and Weaknesses of, and Opportunities or Threats posed to an individual or organisation. It can be used to help assess opportunities for mission in a community or group.

The Hedgehog

19th December 2012This is a tool used in leadership coaching to help people recognise their unique combination of strengths, and find their ‘sweet spot’- the place where they are most fruitful and fulfilled.

Engel Scale

19th December 2012The Engel scale is a way of showing the journey from no knowledge of God through to spiritual maturity as a Christian. The model is used to show a process of conversion, and the various decision making steps that a person may go through both before and after becoming a Christian.

Evaluation and review for
Mission Academy Pilot’s (MAP’S)>

A centralised team through the Church of England has been commissioned to ensure an effective and robust evaluation process is administrated for the MAP’s. Evaluation will be based on the impact on those for whom the Mission Academy is reaching out to as well as on the Mission Academy participants themselves [click here]

TED-Style Videos >

TED-style talks are short bursts of information from experts in a number of different fields. These talks will help motivate, inspire and inform young people. They contribute to the Mission Academy curriculum and address areas that the participants will need to be engage with.

Understanding Vision

19th December 2012Rachel Jordan: Evangelism and Missions advisor for the Church of England This talk encourages young people to capture their God-given vision, hold onto it tightly and not to lose sight of it. By God’s grace we can engage others and be used by God to do some incredible things.

Mentoring and Accountability

19th December 2012Matt Summerfield: Chief Executive of Urban Saints Christian Addiction Care Programs We need people around us to help and shape us to be all that God has called us to be. This talk explore 3 vital relationships that we need to be an effective missionary disciple of Christ.

Making Vision Reality

19th December 2012Roy Crowne: Executive Director: HOPE What do you do to make a vision reality? This talk explores a number of key ways in which our dreams for the Kingdom of God can become reality and addresses some of the hurdles that we will need to overcome. To release vision we need to believe in it, […]

Creative thinking

19th December 2012Ian Henderson: Missions Director: The Message Trust How we can be more creative and how does a team come up with creative ideas? This talk encourages you to believe in your own creativity, to think outside the box, to try new things and let God inspire you.