Below is a great list of information resources
Leeds Youth Cell network
5th February 2013Leeds Youth Cell network LYCN is an inter-denominational project born out of the unity of Christians in Leeds. It is a fresh and new project which will play a part in shaping the church of this next generation here in Leeds. LYCN is a part of the Leeds Christian Community Trust and is supported by
Insight tips on prayer for young people
5th February 2013Insight tips on prayer for young people How can we help young people to pray? We all know that sometimes when we pray distractions come and it’s hard to stay on track. At other times we just end up with ‘shopping list’ prayers. Here are four simple ideas or guides which I’ve used with young
5th February 2013Youth Encounter. Youth living out faith with muslims Youth Encounter is a Scripture Union project which exists to help Christian young people in Britain live out their faith amongst Muslims. This is done in two distinct ways: – Running Faith and Young People Events that bring together Christian and Muslim young people for dialogue
I Prayer
5th February 2013I Prayer iPrayer is a free online Christian resource to ignite and inspire your personal prayer life and interact with a wider praying community. Schedule your own personal prayer diary with the latest requests from organisations, join or create communities that have the latest info, send prayer requests to your friends or add private prayers
You’ve got the time
5th February 2013You’ve got the time Discover the Bible in a new and exciting way through our new FREE listening programme You’ve Got the Time (YGTT). You will be enriched and inspired as you listen to the whole of the New Testament for just 28 minutes a day over 40 days. Whether you’re on a lunch break,
Rush – Bible Society
5th February 2013Rush – Bible Society What’s the Rush? Our urgent call to young people to see again the full transforming message of the bible. It’s a call that will: – Impact their own lives with the Bible. – See them putting the Bible to work in the lives of others. Rush is about taking on board
D pack 3 in 1
5th February 2013D pack 3 in 1 Discipleship is an amazing concept! Think about it – as individuals we can journey through life with the maker of Heaven and earth, the Creator of all things, and by his Spirit living in us we can reflect something of his nature, likeness, character and goodness in a world that
Creative ways young people can pray
5th February 2013Creative ways young people can pray These ideas use visual or activity prompts to encourage individual and group prayer. Several can be used together to develop extended times of creative prayer with your group. ‘I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and
5th February 2013H2P4 H2P4 (how 2 pray 4) is a range of titles from ALOVE UK and 24/7SA. These titles are designed to get you thinking about prayer. More than that, they’re designed to get you praying. Each one has been written by people who have experience and a passion to see prayer become a priority in
Biblical fasting
5th February 2013Biblical fasting This information looks at why as followers of Jesus we should fast. Drawing on biblical teaching and understanding that helps us to engage with the spiritual discipline of fasting. http://bit.ly/VkeB8K
A young person’s guide to prayer and fasting
5th February 2013A young person’s guide to prayer and fasting This information has been created by HOPE revolution in order to help young people journey and effective prayer life as part of their everyday walk with Jesus. It overviews how and why we pray and offers some practical guidance and tips for a healthy prayer life http://bit.ly/Sqd54P
Creative prayer ideas
5th February 2013Creative prayer ideas These are some simple ideas produced by HOPE Revolution to help young people in prayer, utilising a range of methods and techniques which enables young people to creatively and practically outwork an effective prayer life. http://bit.ly/VykU78
Small group Resources:Prayer
5th February 2013Small group Resources:Prayer Our mates at Urban Saints and Youth for Christ have some fantastic resources to help you and your people connect with God through prayer. These materials are well suited for small group sessions with young people, and will help young people in their understanding and practice of prayer. http://bit.ly/T4heuu
5th February 2013Change Change Youth is a registered charity that exists to encourage and build up young people in and around the Canterbury area, uniting them together through both weekly groups and bigger events. Run by a group of volunteers from local churches and organisations, we aim to work together to make an impact in our community
Viz a viz ministries
5th February 2013Viz a viz ministries This ministry is vital as most children, young people and adults in the UK are, in the words of Jesus, ‘lost’! Consequently the ministry that we are engaged in is literally a matter of life and death. Millions of people across the UK face a lost eternity but have little or
Youth For Christ local centres
5th February 2013Youth For Christ local centres Youth for Christ (YFC) is a national Christian charity that was founded by Billy Graham in 1946. Working with over 250,000 young people each month, we draw alongside teens from every background and culture in Britain. Our 150 fulltime staff and countless local volunteers specialise in working with unchurched youth:
5th February 2013Phase PHASE works with children and young people across Hitchin, because we are passionate about making a positive impact on their lives. We understand that growing up can sometimes be full of challenges and hard decisions and we want to be there for them, to provide holistic Christian support to all the young lives with
5th February 2013CROPS The CROPS Trust is a Christian Educational Trust which is committed to communicating and demonstrating Christian truth and life-style to this generation of young people. We get asked this a lot, so should probably explain that CROPS stands for Christian Options In Peterborough Schools CROPS began in 1989 and was the natural development of
Reality youth
5th February 2013Reality youth Since its foundation in 2005, Reality Youth Project has been “Reaching out with the good news of Jesus to young people across Leicester (shire)”. Through our partnerships with churches, our work in schools and across local communities we have reached thousands of young people with the message of Jesus. God has done “immeasurably
The Art of Connecting
5th February 2013The Art of Connecting The Art of Connecting Course will enable you to enthuse and equip your young people to confidently share their faith and make an impact on the lives of their friends and families in the coming year. Run over 7 weeks, the course will encourage young people to examine their own story
5th February 2013THE4POINTS THE4POINTS is a simple, memorable way to share your faith. It is obviously Christian but not cheesy or in ya face. It looks like an equation, so people sometimes ask what do those symbols mean? Then before you know it, you’re doing a four minute “mini alpha” course right there in the street! Boom!

Below is list of great opportunities to get involved
Youth Alpha
5th February 2013Youth Alpha Youth Alpha is an evangelistic course that is being used by groups all around the world to help young people meet Jesus. Over 8, 9 or 10 weeks the course looks at topics from ‘Who is Jesus?’ and ‘Why did Jesus die?’ to ‘How & why should I read the Bible?’. Click here
Prayer Spaces in Schools
5th February 2013Prayer Spaces in Schools 24-7 Prayer initiative ‘Prayer Spaces in Schools’ turns classrooms into prayer rooms, using resources that complement the school curriculum. Since 2008, more than 300 Prayer Spaces have been hosted in UK primary and secondary schools, providing children and young people, of faith and of no faith, creative opportunities to pray. www.prayerspacesinschools.com
Prayer Storm
5th February 2013Prayer Storm Prayer storm is a movement of radical worship and intercession crying out to God for a great awakening in our City and Nation. Believing that intercession is more caught than taught, Prayer Storm events act as a catalyst for young people to capture a new zeal for prayer. We believe that God wants
5th February 2013XLP XLP stands for “The eXceL Project”; a registered charity at the cutting edge of urban youth work in the UK. It was started by Patrick Regan in Peckham, South London, in 1996 after a stabbing in a school playground. They needed someone to speak to the kids and address the issues they were facing.
5th February 2013NGM New Generation Music is a vibrant community of artists who are passionate about art and life. Filled with creativity, we produce music, artists, dancers, musicians, artist training courses, innovative conferences, and much more. As artisans, we seek to bring beauty, excellence, and influence to today’s music culture. We help transform people and communities through
Fort Rocky
5th February 2013Fort Rocky Fort Rocky is a fun-filled, activity youth weekend, designed to give young people an amazing time away from home with their mates. However, Fort Rocky has a greater purpose than just this… Young people get the chance to ask and be asked some really big questions about the most important subjects in life.
Soul 61 Leadership course
5th February 2013Soul 61 Leadership course Soul61 is a Leadership Trust – our vision is to equip a generation of leaders to shape the world around them for Jesus and His Kingdom. We run a bunch of course and events to serve young people between 12 and 25 and enable them to grow in their relationship with
5th February 2013Genetik Genetik is ten months of intensive hands-on training in youth and work evangelism for 18-25 year olds. All students benefit from high quality teaching in Christian character and biblical mission. Students also choose one of three specialist tracks to develop excellence in their God-given talents. Urban Youthwork, Creative ministry (vocals/dance/musicians) or Eden Worship. www.message.org.uk/genetik/
Mission Academies
5th February 2013Mission Academies Mission Academy learning communities are a chance for you and your youth group to work through what mission is and what it looks like in your life and your local context. You will find freedom to be yourself and gain new confidence to reach out to your friends, school and community with the
Freedom in Christ
5th February 2013Freedom in Christ Freedom in Christ for Young People is a revolutionary, innovative and life-changing discipleship course for 11-18s. Over 13 sessions, through DVDs (included in material), creative teaching, worship activities, games, movie clips, youth guides and more, the course tackles the massive issues of identity, getting free from stuff that holds young people back
5th February 2013Breakouts – Fusion Youth and Community Breakouts are daytrips for anyone aged 11-17 and they happen on the second Saturday of every month in Oxfordshire and are usually the fourth Saturday of the month in Lancashire. They’re about having fun, making new friends, team-building activities, problem solving, leadership training and spending time with a bunch
5th February 2013Tearfund: Transform Are you ready for a journey that will change your life? Transform aims to open the eyes and hearts of individuals through experiencing something totally different, inspiring you to social action and equipping you as part of God’s global kingdom. We send you to work with our partners in some of the world’s
5th February 2013Rhythms Rhythms is a brand new website and iPhone app that could change your world. By doing one small, action at a time, Rhythms will help you connect the dots between justice and the Jesus story. If we want to change the world, we’ve got to become the kinds of people who can change the
5th February 2013ReDefine ReDefine is an experience for young people who are keen to be stretched and challenged in their relationship with God. ReDefine is a catalyst for connecting young people from across your area and mobilising the church to reach its community. The ReDefine weekend runs once a term, kicking off on a Friday evening and
Rise Up
5th February 2013Rise Up Rise Up is a leadership development programme for Christian teenagers. The Rise Up year has been designed to help young people develop in their faith, character and leadership potential as they journey with their mentor through areas of discipleship, leadership and service opportunities in their churches and locality. Rise Up is passionate about
Mission Academies
5th February 2013Mission Academies Mission Academy learning communities are a chance for you and your youth group to work through what mission is and what it looks like in your life and your local context. You will find freedom to be yourself and gain new confidence to reach out to your friends, school and community with the